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East African Landscapes

By Stuart Butler

Golden, sun-blessed grasslands spotted with flat-topped acacia trees might be the common image of East Africa, but this huge region contains an endlessly diverse array of landscapes that range from beaches of snowflake white sands to high altitude glaciers, lakes the breadth of oceans and humid rainforests haunted by the echoing yelps of chimpanzees.

The following images reveal something of East Africa’s extraordinary range of landscapes and wildlife habitats.

October News – ol Donyo Lodge, Kenya

As we write this, there are dark clouds eerily suspended above the lodge and we all look up in great anticipation as it has been over 5 months since the last green season.
Yesterday, we had our first real rainfall since May and the smell of the rain hitting the sun baked lava sand and guest areas of the lodge is definitely something that we have missed and as soon as the very brief rain stopped, the birds and the butterflies came out in full force filling the view from the mess with flashes of colour and the air with beautiful bird calls celebrating the rain.

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