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A Perfect Safari

A Perfect Safari

What makes a perfect safari? Of course it’s the amazing people that make it happen, delicious food an comfy beds, however at Lamai we believe in balance: a well-rounded and diverse experience which incorporates an element of relaxation.  Of course each guest is unique and safaris are tailored to their needs.  In this respect managers, guides and general staff listen attentively to requests, desires and aspirations in order to personalise each safari. 

From the get go (on arrival) it’s important to highlight on what experiences/activities are on offer, setting a tone and allowing the information to settle in, thereafter it’s up to our guests to decide what suits most.  Usually safaris are three to four days and as such diversity and options for different activities is a must.  We offer walking safaris where guests are accompanied by a National Park ranger, Nomad scout and guide; game drives; sundowner options; balloon safaris; and chilling out at the lodge while watching the local wildlife come and go. 

Walking safaris are a personal favourite of mine, allowing for a different perspective of the Serengeti; down on the ground looking at all little things usually unnoticed in a vehicle.  Viewing game at eye level is a treat and a chance to stretch ones legs is a welcome break from the usual ‘safari shuffle’ in our land cruisers.

Game drives vary in duration and departure times, leaving early or late, short or long, it’s entirely up to guests and what they want to see.  Fortunately, game viewing at Lamai is spectacular with diversity at every turn, which is offered up by our guides (the local experts) knowing animal territories and where they like to hang out.  Options of meals at the lodge or out in the bush add a nice touch, there is nothing like sitting in the middle of a herd of wildebeest or at the edge of a river watching hippos and crocks do their thing while munching on a bacon and egg sandwich.

Lamai has a couple of sundowner options, one of which is a short walk, leaving from the lodge to the top of our kopje, which offers a 360 degree viewing point – spectacular.

Balloon safaris are always a hit, leaving early in the morning to catch the sunrise as you float over the Endless Plains and landing to be greeted by a champagne breakfast in the bush.

In short, a combination of driving, walking, meals in and out of the lodge, a balloon safari, relaxation at the lodge and a sundowner make the perfect safari – or whatever you heart desires.