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Migration in the North

Our Serengeti Nomad has been busy keeping track of the migration and updating us with all the latest news on the ground from the Serengeti plains. Direct from our Nomad Northern Guide, Nathan, he is hot on the trail of the herds as they make their annual trek across the Serengeti, and has put together a report of the migration movements so far this month.

Early July: The wildebeest and zebra arrived in large groups around the Lamai Wedge on the other side of the Mara River. Following some very brief rains, many of them moved towards the Tanzanian-Kenyan border. 

Early to Mid-July: the herds of wildebeest and zebras were on either side of the Mara River, looking for the best grazing spots and green grass. Some were seen crossing the Mara River at crossing point number 7. The herds tended to be moving down stream towards the Mara Bridge and the Kogatende Airstrip.

Mid-July: Taking their time before moving down, the herds could still be found in their hundreds around Kogatende. This is good news for the lion cubs in the area. With more food around for the mother lionesses to prey and feed on, the nursing lion cubs are likely to be stronger and healthier as a result, and there will be a higher survival rate among them.


Late July: The herds are still around the Lamai area in Northern Serengeti, and we are lucky that they have pitched up near our Lamai camp and Mkombe’s house, to graze on the grasses and make the most of the all-year-round underwater spring nearby.