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Did You Know?

Fascinating Flora: The Leadwood Tree

There is a classic, if slightly ominous, African image with which you’re probably familiar; it’s the scene of a colony of vultures huddled on the branches of a leafless leadwood tree, black rain clouds looming overhead. It is, in fact, a fairly common sight at Singita’s South African properties (albeit with more blue sky!), where the bush is studded with tall leadwoods that live up to their scientific name; combretum imberbe, meaning “hairless climber”.

Experience the Serengeti: Setting up Singita Explore

“Endless” is a word that is often used to describe the Serengeti. The apparent infinity of its grassy plains, acacia woodlands and riverine forests is a stunning sight, the memory of which never leaves those who have seen it in person. These boundless landscapes are the first thing to greet guests every morning at Singita Explore, as the rising sun casts light on 350,000 acres of untouched wilderness.


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