

The Seychelles is home to no less than two UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is a sanctuary for a myriad of natural treasures that have given the archipelago its reputation as the ‘Galapagos of the Indian Ocean’.

A name synonymous with some of the world's most beautiful islands, each one a gemstone amidst 1,300,000 square kilometres of sparkling ocean. The islands lie outside the cyclone belt, so severe storms are rare.

Declared a French colony in the 18th century, the archipelago changed hands several times between the French and British before gaining independence in 1976. Throughout its history, the Seychelles have become home to people from all continents and are today famous for their blend of cultural backgrounds.

The islands of the Seychelles have to be counted among the best-kept secrets on earth and, without doubt, rank among the safest and purest destinations anywhere. It was just over 200 years ago that settlers first set foot on these verdant isles to find them teeming with a kaleidoscope of life forms — vast colonies of land and sea birds, giant tortoises and flying foxes (giant fruit bats) — that had existed, unmolested and in splendid isolation, for millions of years.


The African elephant is the largest living land mammal. An elephant can weigh up to seven tons and has no natural enemies (although large lion prides occasionally hunt elephants when injured). An elephant drinks up to 160 litres of water per day and possesses such 'manual' dexterity in its trunk tip that it can actually turn the pages of a book with it.

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