Andrew and Helaine B

Just got back from a two week getaway to South Africa —Edwin and Lieze planned every thing and our trip exceeded every possible expectation! The trip consisted of two camps - Ngala Tented Camp and Sabi Sabi Little Bush Camp— 3 days in each; followed by two days in Capetown and two days at Babylonstoren in the winelands about an hour out of Capetown.

The safari was wild! We saw lions, leopards, Elephants Rhinos, buffalo, giraffe, zebra —the list goes on and on. We even witnessed 15 female lions wake up from a nap and then stalk and take down two was incredible to witness! We even saw 8 elephants walk up to the pool at Ngala Tented Camp and quench their thirst while we videotaped eight of them lined up side by side with their trunks in the pool!

Our guides were incredibly experienced and had tons of information that made our safari adventures beyond educational.
We had a fabulous guide in Capetown and had great fun seeing the peninsula and loved the beauty of the Cape Of Good hope....(hold on to your bags those baboons are quite mischievous!)
Babylonstoren was a fabulous winery/farm/hotel/spa- whose cuisine included all their own delicious wines, fruits, and vegetables—you don’t get better farm to table meals! The beauty of Babylonstoren is hard to put into words....better to Google it and best to go see it first hand!

The logistics were expertly handled by A2A Safari. We were met and transported to all airports and destinations by friendly competent drivers/guides who made the various connections during our trip flawless. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best I give them 100!
A2A is a great company and took care of everything. It truly was a trip of a lifetime and I am forever grateful for Edwin and Lieze’s professionalism and expertise.  

Image (Listing): 
Listing title: 
Our trip exceeded every possible expectation!
Client from: 
New York
November, 2017
South Africa
Safari to