Anshel Ma

A2A Safaris I met during a press luncheon and like all travel services presented to us travel editors, we take things with a grain of salt, but when my original Easter travel plans went awry I decided this seemed like a perfect opportunity to test out the African travel specialist, hence I chose Namibia, a country that evokes imagery of wilderness to the extreme, and the fact I’ve been staring at the Soussevlei wallpaper for a decade.  What was provided completely blew me away. As a man whose mind wanders practically every millisecond, A2A not only got me from being borderline skeptical to being like a kid going on a school trip for the first time, they also managed to provide me with minute details about the entire trip that would make a micro-manager proud.

Amazing guides, good food and interesting landscape and tribes, Namibia should be on everyone’s travel list and I can’t wait to set foot here again in the future. Who could resist a chance to encounter FOUR elusive black rhinos, in which Douw successfully located due to his vast knowledge of the land and to my opinion, his wild animal instincts? He may or may not have made animal noises to scare me, but they sure listen to him when he calls (the baboon mating call as he aptly puts it).

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Listing title: 
A2A not only got me from being borderline skeptical to being like a kid going on a school trip for the first time, they also managed to provide me with minute details about the entire trip that would make a micro-manager proud
Client from: 
Hong Kong
March, 2015
Safari to