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7 nights / 8 days from US$ 6,900 per person
Travel on this luxury journey through the most hauntingly beautiful scenery of Africa's oldest desert, the Namib. Reawaken your soul as you climb ancient dunes, meet nomadic Himba people and explore the Skeleton Coast.
7 Nights / 8 days from US$ 5,000 per person
Dispelling the myth that deserts are lifeless, visit Namibia's ancient dune fields, track black rhino on foot and be dazzled by the abundance of Etosha.

Monina Lopez & Family

“We got back from Namibia thinking our trip was like a dream. All the sights were other-worldly, just as you said. Also, the wonderful and artistic styles and meals seen and tasted throughout the trip were sensory treats. Just beautiful. It took three weeks though to lose all the weight!”

Oliver Wimmer

“I just wanted to say thank you: Kevin from your team in Hong Kong arranged the most amazing trip I’ve ever had. I was very picky on my itinerary (had to be Little Kulala and Serra Cafema) and Kevin put together an excellent package for me within just two days’ notice. I got back to Hong Kong this morning and it was the trip of a lifetime. Everything was perfectly arranged and I had a very smooth itinerary. With the job it’s always difficult to plan ahead but I clearly got the Africa bug now and hope to make it to Grumeti in Tanzania for the Great Migration, be it this summer or next.”

Judy & Erramon Aboitiz

“Just got back from our trip and it was FANTASTIC! Thanks so much for all your hard work in making it a great vacation, and for your flexibility and understanding with our trying circumstances.

“We were very impressed with the service at all the camps and hotels, and the guides in all three camps were incredible. If you ever want to use a specific guide, Foster at Zarafa, and Edward at Little Kulala, really stood out for us.


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