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A little help goes a long way at Katumbi Village

As part of Nomad Trust's continuing effort to support Greystoke Mahale's local village we were absolutely thrilled to deliever an incredible donation from a recent guest of 500 mosquito nets.  Thank you Steve Cook for the generous gift to Katumbi's residents.  News spread fast around the village when they heard we were on our way to deliver the nets and we had a huge gathering at the top of the hill waiting for us at the school.  It took several hours to hand out one net per household and it was quite a challenge to organise everybody's excitement!!  It is a great gift to the village and will certainly help to protect the families from ever present malaria.  We will continue to support this effort through the trust and future donations.

As we approached the shoreline we were greeted by some very eager schoolgirls who swiftly popped the heavy packages on their heads and whizzed them up the hill to the school in no time at all!!

Katumbi's youngest residents are always so happy to see visiters and come rushing to say hello and practise their English with us

Cool Cats strike a pose!

Katumbi village street on the beautiful shores of Lake Tanganyika

Reaching the top of the hill to the local school we were greeted by a sea of vibrant colour from the woman and the cutest babies patiently waiting to meet us

Nurse Elizabeth in her newly stocked clinic with the much needed Malaria drugs, we also delivered gifts of medical supplies and babies clothes that were very kindly donated by guests Melvyn and Linda Buttler from Australia through our "pack for a purpose" initiative

Asante Sana from all at Katumbi!!