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Pack For A Purpose

It’s that time of year again. Every year we head off to our local village to drop off boxes of donations brought to us from our guests over the course of the past year.  Pack for a Purpose is an initiative which encourages visitors to Africa, in this case our guests, to bring small donations, whatever they can fit into their luggage, for our local clinic and school.  Every little bit helps and over a season we have boxes full to donate.

This year was particularly fruitful with guests piling things in, making sure every gram of their 15-kilogram flight weight allowance was accounted for; one group purchased extra seats on a flight to accommodate all they brought to donate.

Here are some photographs we took of the visits and I hope they give you some idea of the circumstance in which they live, learn and work. 

A huge thank you from Lamai, the school and the clinic to all those that took part, we wish you could have been with us to witness the smiles, joy and appreciation exhibited by those that received your donations.