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Kayak fishing fun

If your legs are tired after chimp trekking and you want to use your arms instead we suggest time spent on the lake in one of our very bouyant and stable kayaks targeting the quite large Tanganyika Perch!


You'll know when you've hooked one as the line will soon be exiting your reel at an incredible rate. Make sure you have a couple of hundred metres available and remember to tie a good knot at the end!


These Forktails can grow to 11 or 12 kgs and around a metre in length. They hit the lures like a freight train swimming hard and then jumping to throw the hook.


Bringing one ashore is satisfying indeed. Our chefs await eagerly your return to clean and prepare the trophy catch for the dinner table that evening.
It's just one of many awesome experiences our guests can enjoy while staying between the lake and mountains.