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South Africa

Nicole Fandino

We had a great experience (only hitch was my dad's visa), really memorable and we hope to repeat in a few years :)   We should have scheduled more days in Capetown - this is such a lovely city!

Cheryl Tiu

The most special experience, however, is falling asleep with the elephant herd.   Abu has a Star Bed, a sleep out deck that overlooks the elephant boma.  Underneath just the safety of a mosquito net, stargazing up to the peaceful African evening sky, it is not difficult to drift off to peaceful slumber with the low rumblings of the elephants, whispering goodnight to one another in their own boma below. They say that elephants never forget. But in this case, the memories made with them will never be forgotten.

Yeo Whee Jim

Once again, thank you Cherine for your top-notch service.  4 days before our departure, I decided to cancel my trip to the Middle East because of the MERS-CoV.  Not expecting a trip to be arranged at such short notice, I called Cherine, who of course, made this trip to Madikwe materialize.  It was a very special time with my daughter, as it was her 8th birthday.

Carina Tiu

My family and I had the most enjoyable time on our first trip to Africa. The beauty of the country surpassed my expectations and I will definitely have to see more of the continent. Kudos to Rob for all the help and advice he gave in planning our itinerary and preparing us for our trip. The arrangements were all meticulously planned from the moment we arrived in Johannesburg to the moment we left. It was a stress-free vacation –the way a vacation should be. 

Christine Dayrit

I know not what tomorrow brings or which part of the world the Lord will send me. All I know is that I have had a love affair with the African continent since I first stepped foot here more than a decade ago and it has enamored me with a yearning to keep returning.  Botswana is an answered prayer, the ultimate nirvana, where we realize that loving the world of the wilderness is life itself.  Here, one will find exhilarating satisfaction of adventure that many seek but only a few find.

Claudine Chan and Wesley Cobankiat

Whoever said that a Safari was a once-in-a-lifetime experience was wrong! We enjoyed our honeymoon so much that we are already thinking of when our next trip will be. We experienced everything we wanted and Rob, from Asia to Africa, made sure we did! After the Safari, we indulged in Cape Town and the wine lands for some back-to-civilization pleasures then headed to the Seychelles for our final R&R before heading back home. Truly an unforgettable experience, and the most relaxed trip we've had since we did not have to worry about a single thing!

Ernie Tiu and May Wu

We had a great time overall, and were especially impressed by the experience and professionalism of our guide Festus in Namibia. He is actually Wilderness's first African hire, and has been with them 21 years.  Thanks a lot for pointing us to the Namibian Desert Adventure, which we thought was most interesting and very good value.  We had a terrific 3 nights at Little Makalolo in Hwange in Zimbabwe - we saw cheetah, a pride of FOURTEEN lions, and an incredible 8 wild "painted" dogs! The dogs are incredibly rare, probably the most rare animal in the park.

Yeo Whee Jim

First of all, thank you for being so responsive to our all queries and needs.  Cherine and Ailin (who helped us during the trip itself) were GREAT!  Thank God for a lovely week with Min filled with many firsts and special moments not all of which were captured. Particularly proud to see how she handled her horse across the plains on a more than one hour journey.   Pray that our next safari trip will materialize soon. It's refreshing to see Min so fascinated by and excited about wildlife that she could talk about them non-stop.  Such a blessing.


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