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Jose A.

It was an unforgetteable, exceptional  and memorable trip for all of us!  The combination of Tanzania & South Africa could not have been better, each one in their own right   I honestly do not know which one was better. Both countries did touch our hearts in a way that at least to me had never been touched by any other culture.

We do appreciate very much all what you have done for all of us. The way you did handled all our trip made me feel that we were more than clients for you. 

Mia and Eric Manlunas

My husband and I, along with our 13 and 17 year old boys, embarked on our first safari in Tanzania (my husband's 2nd safari).  I was initially not keen on it as it was never on my bucket list  I'm so glad we went!!!  This trip is definitely the trip of a lifetime and something our family will always cherish. We visited Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater and the Northern Serengeti.  We witnessed the wildebeest crossing on the Mara River and saw the Big 5.  Our accommodations were top notch - very luxurious and comfortable. To top it all, the people of Tanzania were so welcoming. 

Khing Go

One of the most amazing things I have seen in my life, The Wildebeest Migration in the Serengeti. Literally 3 million Wildebeest crossing at some point during the season, its just unexplainable...

Liezl Yap

I take a lot of photos and I'm trying not to be lazy about actually getting them printed. Finally made a book of our trip to Africa three years ago. I know, took me long enough. This one is extra special because my mom lost the memory card that had all her photos from the trip and I'm giving her a copy as a birthday surprise. #Africa #Giraffe #EastAfrica #Wildlife #Animals #A2Asafaris #Safari #Photography #Album

Stella Suen

Kevin took excellent care of us, and dispensed advice freely, thoroughly and considerately. I appreciate his incredible attention to detail, (he made us feel like we were the only clients he had, which I’m SURE was not the case!), right down to emailing us shortly before our adventure to advise us to book a day use room at KIA Lodge for our return journey home. Even though it was an agent in Vancouver who helped us with our flights, he took the time to look at that part of our itinerary and helped us to not be in Kilimanjaro International Airport for somewhere around 6 or 8 hours.

Anna Angara

Ethiopia is a real eye-opener!  In Tanzania, we saw wildebeests as far as the eye can see as over a million grazed the endless plains of the Serengeti.

Weiyang and Xindy Loh

We had an awesome time in Tanzania!  We managed  to see all the animals we wanted and the guides and accommodations were all great!  A lot of people have been asking us about the trip and we'll be sure to let them know about A2A and the wonderful service you have provided.  Thanks so much for being a part of making our honeymoon so memorable!


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