Seb & Cristina Garcia

“We thoroughly enjoyed our trip with A to A and one of the highlights was going to Franschhoek. It was so beautiful and the wines were so good specially at Glenwood. La Petite Ferme was one of the best restaurants on the trip and the food was to die for and the company exquisite. We walked the town and enjoyed the all the galleries and art pieces, particularly the sculptures and the beautiful paintings. We even met one of the painters herself! We then drove to see the University town of Stellenbosch and it was definitely worth our while.

“After this trip all of us in the family have a much better regard towards Africa and Africans and everyone we interacted with during our trip was educated and employed. They were polite (even to each other), very knowledgeable and with a quiet sense of dignity. Hopefully we can go back to Africa again soon... for the migration of the wildebeest and another fine dinner in Franschhoek. There are still a lot of restaurants, artsy places and wineries to visit. I would also like to come back during the wildflower season.”

Image (Listing): 
Listing title: 
La Petite Ferme was one of the best restaurants on the trip
Client from: 
Manila/San Francisco
May, 2013
Safari to