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Eva and Gideon L.

It was an exceptional trip. We have been to two countries. The trip was organized flawlessly. The two lodges and hotel were all superb. The staff in all three places was the best. The places were different which enriched the experience. Hoanib Valley Camp is a new place and its specialty is the Geological Unique formation, more than the animals. It is unique, deserts and very imposing. Cape Town is a beautiful town and we had two fantastic guides who were very knowledgeable and efficient. We could have spent more time there. Kruger National Park.

12 nights / 13 days from US$ 4,100 per person
With 400 million years of geology and unique wildlife, Namibia is fascinating to drive through. Combining full-service nature camping with tented lodges, this is an exhilarating guided safari through wild landscapes.

Janice and Steve Santikarn

Our safari in Namibia and Botswana had everything we wished for …and more. By booking accommodation that had animal hides and waterholes, we not only saw wildlife on the early morning and late afternoon game drives, but at all other hours of the day too. All our guides were expert and friendly and the accommodation and food excellent.

Kevin Jones

The itinerary, accommodation and guides were really fantastic, we all enjoyed the holiday very much.  Thank you for putting together such a great itinerary.  We don’t have any complaints, as close to a perfect holiday as we could get (and we have been many places).  Namibia and its people are really great.  We posted photos on social media and everyone is jealous of our trip.  I look forward to catching up in Hong Kong some time as well.

Bebo Quiros

Namibia has been a fantastic trip. We've learned more about the country being visited as we interacted with our hosts and guides more than in our two previous safaris. Those felt more like visiting camps and lodges rather than visiting a country. Plus the fact that we've had 18 sightings of white rhino at Ongava, one of which included an attempted kill of a rhino youngster by 6 lions, 1 sighting of white rhino at Etosha, and 2 black rhino at Desert Rhino Camp makes the trip totally worth it from a game viewing perspective.

Pinky Roxas

We arrived home yesterday from our trip. Thank you so much for the beautiful book!  We will treasure this and our wonderful memories of Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.  See you when you return.  Safe travels!

Florence Lim

Dear Cherine,
Just to let you know that we arrived safe and sound back from a wonderful trip!  Absolutely thought Namibia was gorgeous and especially loved both camps. Thank you for organizing everything for us.  Everything went 100% smoothly.  The one thing I regret is the lack of time.  Wished I could have stayed 3 night in each camp…. Thank you for organizing a brilliant holiday.


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